Similar words: over and over again, over and again, over and over, above, above all, above par, above board, veranda.

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1) We gave them two tons over and above the amount agreed to.
2) He had some repairs to pay for over and above the cost of the car.
3) The waiters get good tips over and above their wages.
4) There are other factors over and above those we have discussed.
5) They receive extra money over and above the usual welfare payments.
6) He gets a travel allowance over and above his existing salary.
7) Over and above these industry-based calculations hangs the larger strategic concept for the advantage to the nation as a whole.
8) For classifications involve considerations of reason and policy over and above mere empirical data.
9) There are no extra charges over and above normal banking charges for maintaining a currency account.
10) In every site I visited,( and above.html) these funds were over and above the schools' routine costs of doing business.
11) Spending on social security has increased by 41% over and above inflation - to well over £1 billion per week.
12) We are spending 67 percent. more, over and above inflation, than in 1979.
13) Otherwise we shall see a continuing decline over and above that which increased productivity would normally dictate.
14) Parrots have an advantage over and above chimpanzees in that they can, of course, imitate human sounds.
15) Over and above such dramatic ingredients of change and stress you probably have a long-term commitment which is stressful too.
16) The city has spent $2 million over and above budgeted funds for the new stadium.
17) Proposals over and above the levels so indicated constitute new policy proposals.
18) It is over and above what is wanted.
19) Consider supplements over and above this healthy diet.
20) Over and above can mean'more than'in number, measurement, etc.
21) Expenditure on education has gone up by seven point eight per cent over and above inflation.
22) The technical department provided a base for him in order that he could pursue Technical Studies over and above normal classes.
23) The unpaid volunteers will not wear uniforms and will not have any special powers over and above those of ordinary citizens.
24) Each year[], industry spends at least £125 million on charitable activities over and above straight forward donations.
25) Rewards are offered to all participants on an equal basis and these rewards are over and above the normal sales compensation.
26) By 1910 the inhabitants of Britain consumed a million tons of meat over and above home produce.
27) The purpose is to determine which treatments produce effects over and above placebo levels.
28) Most people have considerable leeway as to how they spend their money over and above basic subsistence requirements.
29) We deserve to be punished because we considered ourselves over and above the deceased.
30) A second response has been the setting of separate targets for each field, over and above those for home students.
More similar words: over and over again, over and again, over and over, above, above all, above par, above board, veranda, head and shoulders above, overall, ever and anon, coverage, all over again, irrecoverable, federal government, out and about, up and about, roundabout, over, cover, hover, lover, overt, labour of love, go over, govern, get over, all over, covert, oversee.